Live Joyfully and experience your life transform with this consistent, at-home practice. Sadhana means, “go straight to the goal”. Two days a week, on an ongoing month-to-month basis, Piper guides this community through an at-home, personal practice consisting of a mix of yoga styles, breath work, guided meditations, mat-side journaling and more!
Sometimes life leaves us feeling checked-out, depressed, numb and totally uninspired! BLAH! I get it – after spending the last few year really wading through some darkness it is time to collect women who are ready to Regain Motivation, Rediscover Joy and RECLAIM YOURSELF.
In your own dedication to consider and integrate the divine, we know you need to practice when it works with your schedule. We are happy to host options for pre-recorded practices so you can choose exactly when you want to be guided through a class. Select from pre-recorded 40-Day sets or Global Experiences filmed around the world!
The cornerstone of spirituality is a disciplined approach to a daily practice…a dedication to consider and integrate the divine. We are the sum total of our habits and routines. Most of these are driven by our subconscious and not always habits that we mindfully and purposefully choose. The activities of each day will either aid to boost your life force, health and fuel your purpose – or they will deplete from it. Therefore, we believe every human will benefit from creating a daily spiritual practice.
Sadhana is a sanskrit word that means, ‘a daily spiritual practice’ – it is the self-discipline of the mind and body so that we can arrange them and prepare them to serve the soul. Creating a daily ritual will aid us to experience the ultimate aim of yoga. Yoga is a sanskrit word that means, ‘union’ or ‘to yoke’ – as in yoking or merging the individual finite self – with the infinite Godly consciousness from which you were created.
In a world full of chaos, compounded by a lifetime of our own personal dramas and traumas – it is very easy to submit to simply going through the steps of life – we can easily become bogged down and just be a human ‘being’. What we truly all desire is to behave as a human thriving and living out our hearts desires. This takes practice. When we do this we not only enlighten ourselves – but we become a light – a hope – to the world around us. In return some of that chaos starts to calm – both inside and outside.
Our bodies are created to work on a 24 hour cycle of energy flow – it resets and works through the same flows every single day…and yet we often find we are ebbing and flowing – waxing and waning – according to whatever is pulling at us in our life – a slave to our circumstances – and our energy can slow and stop as a culmination of our lifestyle. Our mental and emotional body soon starts to trigger a reactive response – pulling from the fears of the subconscious mind – and soon we are locked into habits that are not life giving. A daily practice, therefore, creates time each day to observe the patterns and habitual behaviors that move us away from free energy flow and higher consciousness and equip us with the tools needed to transcend those patterns.
Daily practice is a conscious choice. It starts out as a discipline – where you experience lots of resistance once the excitement of choosing to do something new wears off – and soon the blah of consistency and routine sets in. Soon though – after consciously choosing to practice yoga and meditation daily – it becomes a total devotion – something you can’t miss and won’t create excuses to skip.
Once we train ourselves to maintain a constant and regular practice – we start to experience more stability – more neutrality – more confidence and we expand into our Global Soul that can see all solutions and possibilities for our life ahead. Let’s be honest though – maintaining a daily practice is HARD. It is hard to begin – it is hard to show up on the days you think you would rather not – and it’s hard to feel like you let yourself down by skipping a day and then convincing yourself to start again. It took me many years to not just practice yoga – but to create and execute a sustainable daily practice. Once I did though – I have never looked back and radical healings, growth, transformation and expansion have taken place in my life as a result. Every time I feel like I don’t want to practice – I remind myself – I HAVE NEVER REGRETTED A YOGA PRACTICE..EVER.
We have designed support systems for all students who have an interest in maintaining their own daily practice – from live Sadhana practice as a community online – to pre-recorded on-demand classes at your leisure. We understand the challenge to getting started or sticking to a new routine. We also know the power that is unleashed when you PRACTICE EVERY DAY and we desire to help you accomplish this amazing routine and unleash your GLOBAL SOUL.
This is a FREE 3-day practice to experience the amazing benefits of practicing Kundalini yoga daily. Transform through your consistency and move from discipline to total devotion.
“This was a great teacher training program. We covered a lot of interesting material and learned so much! Overall it was a wonderful experience. I would recommend this training to others. Very grateful to be able to work with Piper.”
“Piper has put together an incredibly diverse curriculum. I feel prepared to teach several styles of yoga and I gained solid knowledge in so many areas such as yoga history, Hindu/Buddhist philosophy, anatomy, the breath and more. She added to the in-class time with meaningful homework and a book selection that I know I will refer back to again and again. This school is appropriately called Global Soul as she puts her heart and soul into each student and creates not only a wonderful curriculum, but a wonderful experience. I strongly recommend her 200hr training course to anyone considering becoming a yoga teacher or looking to enhance their yoga knowledge.”
“Global Soul an amazing, one-of-a-kind experience!! I would recommend it to anyone interested in yoga on any level!!”
“This program was transformative. It provides such a wealth of knowledge for the students as well as physical and practical application of the practice. I have and will continue to highly recommend this program to anyone interested in learning to teach yoga. What I took away from this training changed my life forever.”
“This program was extraordinary and life-transforming. Piper Sandifer is an experienced teacher and leader that has created a top-notch program for instructors. She is professional and cares about her students with all her heart and soul. The content of the program, the practice opportunities and rich experiences in and out of the classroom all completely exceeded my expectations.”
“Piper Sandifer is SO committed to her students. She has such a passion not only for yoga, it’s philosophies and history, but for teaching this to others in a beautiful, down to earth way. I felt I was learning from a true sage in a safe and loving environment.”
At Global Soul, we guide our practitioners with a variety of yogic tools, technologies and experiences to develop a deep connection within their body, mind and soul.